Building Inspection Sydney

Lana Brey
6 min readNov 13, 2022



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  • It is advisable to have a strategy and checklist to help you when you are first considering a new commercial or retail investment property. To assist you get started in the correct direction, we have developed this checklist. For more information on best building Inspections Sydney, visit our website.
  • A home inspection is almost like starting your own due diligence procedure. Never blindly believe what you see, and always look into anything that seems suspect. You should look at everything significant someone tells you about the property.
  • The only method to inspect investment property is to have a keen eye for property detail and a meticulous record keeping process as you go around. It is amazing that these documents need to be reviewed and reevaluated at a later date.
  • So let’s take a look at some of the fundamental concerns you should go through during your home inspection procedure.
  • It is essential to have a copy of the property title records before you even begin your inspection. Find a copy of the survey records and any active leases or licences as part of this procedure. Additionally, look for any unregistered interests that might not be indicated on the property’s title. If unsure, ask a reputable real estate attorney for advice.
  • Be sure to recognise where the property lines are located and search for the survey pegs necessary for the survey plan. When in doubt, get a reputable surveyor.
  • There may be a variety of easements, encumbrances, and other registered interests within the land title of the property that require thorough investigation. These interests may have an effect on the sale price of the property as well as the lease occupancy arrangement. A copy of the pertinent paperwork is the initial step in the investigation, which should be followed by questioning if there are any registered interests on the property title.
  • The property may also be impacted by local council records. Are there any pending or recently issued orders or notices on the property that the potential investor might want to know about?
  • A property’s zoning, as well as any zoning activity or changes in the precinct, may have an impact. It is advisable to include nearby properties in this procedure and conduct inspections of them to make sure that they have little to no impact on the subject property, if any.
  • You can better grasp contemporary planning challenges by consulting copies of the community town plan. Talking to the local planning office or planning officer will help you get started and can clarify any present problems or potential problems. It is advisable to document the conversations and conclusions made during this process.
  • If copies of the lease agreements for neighbouring properties are available, locate them and read them. It is usually a good idea to be aware of what the tenants next door are doing and how long they plan to stay.
  • You can better comprehend the fall of the land and the effects of any slopes and natural drainage by studying the local topography and plans for the surrounding area. Look for any waterways and flood areas and note their locations. Find out if there have ever been any floods in the area.
  • It is important to comprehend the area’s electricity supply. The energy supply to your property will be strategically significant to any industrial tenant if it is an industrial property. Seek to comprehend the rights and obligations that these documents create on the property owner if there are any electricity-related easements or encumbrances.
  • The investment property’s services and amenities will affect its operations in the future and the interest of the business community. The type of these services and amenities, as well as their upkeep, are the crucial questions to ask here.
  • Keep an eye out for changes to the area’s transportation and road networks. Any modification to the roadways can significantly alter how a piece of property is used.
  • Consider where public transportation is located and how it might improve the use of your property. To enable employees to go to their employment, many firms need reliable and frequent public transportation.
  • Take a look at the local community and business demographics. You can better predict the property’s future by looking at the growth trends over the previous five to ten years.
  • Market knowledge can be obtained from nearby property valuers. Usually, they can inform you about the region’s history and the state of the local economy. Market intelligence includes useful information about rental rates, incentives, and sale prices per square metre. Each of these will have an effect on the yield that the property offers to any investor in real estate.
  • Look around the neighbourhood to discover how many other properties are up for sale, and inquire about the specifics of those properties, including the asking prices. The length of time these properties have been listed will give you a sense of how acceptable the local prices and business climate are at the time of your inspection.
  • To determine how many properties are currently unoccupied, go around the neighbourhood. Obtain information on the rental being sought and the length of time the property has been on the market for each specific empty property. You must decide for yourself whether these rentals are appropriate and acceptable in the current market.
  • An analysis of the region’s unoccupied space availability and demand by property type is to be done. What you need to know is the precise amount of space that will enter the market in the future and the amount of space that is already available for tenants to fill.
  • Examine any potential new real estate projects that are being considered or have received development approval. The influence that these features might have on your property is the important question here.
  • You always place a high priority on the local heritage. The past five years should be your focus while researching investment properties in the commercial, industrial, and retail sectors. It is amazing how much knowledge can be gleaned from local trends in real estate sales and rentals. The past can help you comprehend what has been happening and where things are headed because commercial and retail investment property operates on a cycle of rise and collapse.
  • It is advisable to ask architects and engineers for their opinions while investigating any property, but this is especially important for complex and huge homes. Here, you need them to make a judgement call regarding the property’s structural soundness and remaining useful life. Consider ways the property might be upgraded or expanded as circumstances dictate.
  • Find out the tenancy schedules for nearby homes. These are highly valuable even though they are not always simple to attain. They can provide you with a wealth of information on the happenings in other buildings and properties that could affect your choice to lease or sell a property in the future. When seeking to lease your property, a notably high vacancy rate in the area is something you do not want. Examine the larger firms and their operations in the neighbourhood precinct. By doing this, you may identify the top employers and players in business. While having these businesses local is advantageous, losing them could pose a serious threat to the neighbourhood. The company stability component is what we refer to as. It should be considered when evaluating your investment property in the future.
  • Examine the operations of the other significant tenancies in the neighbourhood. Depending on how they function and the times of day they do so, they can either stress or improve the area. A transportation company that experiences peak hours for vehicle access is a good illustration. This could make it difficult for nearby firms to conduct themselves normally.
  • Take numerous photos as you stroll around the property and precinct in preparation for a future investigation. It’s astonishing how helpful photos may be for revising a home inspection. You may get a sense of how the streets and surrounding properties operate in the area by taking a stroll through its streets. It gives you a better understanding of the benefits and features offered by each nearby business as well as their role in the community. Reverting the most significant images to “gif” type files is a suggestion for preserving digital photos for future evidence. This format is more reliable as court evidence of important things because it cannot be easily modified.
  • Ask the other neighbourhood companies how they handle local business by knocking on their doors. You can learn a lot about the challenges and issues in the area from other renters and companies in the area.
  • The process of inspecting the commercial investment property is largely physical. You can only fully understand how the property operates in this way before deciding whether it is appropriate for your plans, pricing, rental, or occupancy.
  • John Highman is a well-known investment real estate speaker and coach who works with real estate agents and investors worldwide to enhance the performance of their commercial real estate properties. He is a successful real estate professional who has spent more than 30 years specialising in the leasing and sales of large commercial assets. Want to know more about pest and building inspection Sydney? Visit our website today for more information.

